Monday, April 24, 2006

MMR Vaccine

Dear Lisa

My daughter is 2 years old and is going to the Pediatrician’s office next week for her MMR vaccine. I am worried about the side effects. What are the side effects?

“Worried about the MMR in N.J.”

Dear “Worried about the MMR”,

For most children the MMR vaccine causes few or no problems. The common side effects include fever and rash which usually occurs 6 to 12 days after receiving the MMR. Other rare side effects include transient thrombocytopenia and seizures. Thrombocytopenia is a decrease in the platelet count which may put one at risk for bleeding because platelets are needed for blood clotting. The Red Book reports the incidence of thrombocytopenia to be 1 per 2 million doses distributed in the United States. Studies have suggested that an increased risk of seizures after administration of measles containing vaccines to children who already have a history of seizures in their past or whose first degree family members have a history of seizures.

In my experience, most children do not have a problem with the shot. Occasionally a parent may complain that their child developed a rash which looked like a few dots on their belly or pain and swelling at the injection site. As the case with any vaccine, an allergic reaction to any of the components is also a risk. If you are worried about the MMR vaccine, you should discuss this with your Pediatrician who can provide you with more information and literature.

Lisa Kelly, R.N., P.N.P. ,C.
Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Free Pediatric Advice Updated Daily

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