Sunday, April 23, 2006

Baby Acne

Dear Lisa

My 4 week old infant has pimples all over his face. I’ve been treating him with a baby lotion that I have. Is this okay? “Why do babies get pimples?”

“Baby acne in N.Y.”

Dear “Baby Acne”,

Acne neonatorum or “baby acne” affects approximately 20 % of all newborn infants. It is defined as inflammatory pustules scattered predominantly over the cheeks and occurs during the first few weeks of life. Baby acne may be present at birth and in some cases may spread to the infant’s neck and chest. Many parents report that it appears worse right after the baby’s bath. Baby acne is caused by hyperactive sebaceous (sweat glands) which are stimulated by androgens (hormones). The best treatment for neonatal acne is to leave it alone. All you need to do is wash the baby’s face with a soft wash cloth and water. In most cases the acne should clear by 6 to 8 weeks old on its own. Some health care providers may recommend the application of Benzoyl peroxide if the acne is severe. If your baby’s rash is persistent or worsening contact your Pediatrician or Nurse Practitioner in order to rule out other diagnoses.

Lisa Kelly , R.N., P.N.P.,C.
Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Pediatric Advice Updated Daily

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