Thursday, February 01, 2007

Second Opinion

Dear Lisa,



Dear “TITA”,

It depends on the test that your daughter had. For example, if your daughter had a Chest x-ray the best place to get a second opinion would be with a Pediatric Pulmonologist. If the test was an Echocardiogram or EKG, the best place to get a second opinion would be with a Pediatric Cardiologist. If your daughter had an MRI of the brain, the best place to get a second opinion would be with a Pediatric Neurologist or with a Pediatric Neurosurgeon, depending upon what the doctor was looking for. If the test performed on your daughter was an Ultrasound of the kidney, the best place to get a second opinion would be with a Pediatric Nephrologist.

Pediatric Specialists receive concentrated training that includes the ability to interpret testing pertaining to their particular area. Your Primary Care Physician should be able to direct you to the appropriate specialist depending upon the type of test that your daughter had.

When searching for a Doctor for a second opinion, it is a good idea to ask if he or she is board certified in his or her area of expertise. In addition, you would need to bring the present test results as well as past test results with you to the consultation. If an imaging scan was done such as an x-ray, CAT scan or MRI, a copy of the films would need to be shown to the new Doctor for a second opinion.

A test is only one piece of the entire clinical picture. An impression of the results from a test should only be made in conjunction with a complete history and physical examination. Therefore, it would be important to bring your daughter with you to the consultation so that she can also be examined.

I wish you luck.

Lisa-ann Kelly R.N., P.N.P.,C.
Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Pediatric Advice Website

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