Dear Lisa,
My 8 year old won’t take liquid medication. It is very frustrating. Do you have any suggestions?
“Won’t Take Medication in N.J."
Dear “Won’t Take Medication” ,
A lot of children don’t like to take medication and it can be the most frustrating part of caring for a sick child. Here are some suggestions for older children who you can reason with. If your child hates a certain flavor ask your doctor or pharmacist if there is an equal medication with a different flavor. Some pharmacies will add a flavor of your choice to a medication at your request.
Another suggestion is to have your child suck on an ice pop or ice cube before taking the medication. The cold will numb his tongue and he won’t taste the medication or be bothered by its texture. A very popular alternative is to squirt Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup on the spoon with the medication. Chocolate hides the taste of the worst tasting medication. Just remember, always ask the pharmacist before mixing your child’s prescription with an additive to make sure there is no interaction.
You can reason with an 8 year old, and explain why he needs the medication and what will happen if he doesn’t take it. Children at this developmental age are very interested in how their bodies work and an explanation usually helps. It is important to let him know that he has no choice whether he will take his medication or not, but he has a choice “how” he will take the medication. If all else fails, teach him how to swallow a pill.
Lisa Kelly R.N., P.N.P.,C.
Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Pediatric Advice for Parents with a Sick Child
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